2024 Term 1 Week 4
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers
We recently held our School Leaders investiture for 2024. Congratulations to all our 2024 school leaders.
Leadership is not merely about holding a position or title; it is about inspiring others, guiding them towards a shared vision, and promoting positive outcomes for everyone across the school. First and foremost, I want to emphasise that leadership is a responsibility, not a privilege. It requires courage, integrity, and a commitment to serving others. True leaders lead by example. Whether you hold a formal leadership position or not, all year 6 students have the capacity to influence and make a difference in the lives of your peers.
Leadership is not about exerting power or control; it is about empowering others to realise their full potential. It involves listening with empathy, communicating clearly, and fostering a culture of inclusivity and respect. Remember, the strongest leaders are those who lift others up, who seek collaboration over competition, and who strive to create an environment where everyone feels valued and supported.
Mrs Maureen Kelly / HOC
Learning Webs
Each term parents are provided with an overview of the curriculum that the students are learning for that term. These are called the Learning Webs. The Learning Webs also provide key school and class information.
The Learning Webs for the current term are made available on the Brisbane Central State School website. https://brisbanecentralss.eq.edu.au/curriculum/learning-webs
The following excerpt from our school vision is reflected in our daily practices across the school. All teachers collaborate in formal team meetings and informally weekly to develop a deep shared understanding of the curriculum, the learning needs of the students and high impact teaching and learning strategies for improved learning for the students in their classes. The Learning Webs provide a snapshot of the focus learning for this term.
Last Monday we held our first P&C meeting of the year. It was great to see so many new faces come along. Shortly we will be having our AGM. If you are interested in supporting our P&C in any way, I would encourage you to come along
First Nations Sports Shirts
The online ordering portal for our First Nations Sports Polos is now live. It will be open until February 19th. To access the portal, please click on the link below or scan the QR Code attached.
First Nations Sports Shirts Online Portal
These works were created by our students alongside Rhan Hooper. Each house has a different animal to represent it and each artwork tells the story of our school through the eyes of the students from each house.
The sleeves on each shirt also have an acknowledgment of the names of those students who designed the art. You will also see these art works and the stories they tell on display in our office and along the wall on level 1 of I Block.
Well Done to Brisbane Central Swimmers
1st in the C Schools Trophy!
On Wednesday 7th February, our talented young swimmers represented Brisbane Central State School at the Brisbane City Districts Swimming Carnival. With dozens of schools from across the city competing and categorised by enrolment numbers, finishing in 1st position in the 'C' School category is a wonderful achievement for our team. We actually would have also won the 'B' Schools category such was the performce of our team.
A huge thank you to Mr Lane for assisting in taking our team to the carnival and to all parents and carers who support their student’s involvement in sport. It is always great to see Windsor SS students enjoying healthy and active lifestyles. Congratulations to Branner, Amber and Melissa who have qualified to represent the City Districts at the Metropolitan North Swimming Carnival. Good luck!
From the desk of the Deputy.....
Thank You to all parents for working with their child to ensure a positive drop-off and pick up. We know it is a very busy environment both before and after school near the front gates, but we appreciate your cooperation and patience in ensuring that every child gets home safe.
Reminder that if your child is being picked up by a car, they are to sit and wait with Ms Sami at Gate 6 who will call their name, once your car has been identified. Below is an inset from one of our PBL lessons that highlights where students should be sitting, waiting for their name to be called.
Students will not be released unless the parent has been sighted. If you have changes to your pick-up routines, please ensure that your class teacher is aware. If this is information that comes through late, please contact the office.
Last week we had a modified assembly to welcome our Student Representative members from across the school. These students were voted in by their peers and will represent their class in the decision-making process across the school. Our SRC members meet weekly and have voice in raising funds across the school in order to purchase new school resources.
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
I would like to introduce Our Positive Behaviour for Learning team for 2024. Our PBL team comprise of a number of staff across the school, including our Parent representative Sami, and our two student PBL leader, Gauri and Darcy.
What does the team do?
Each fortnight our team meets to review behaviour data, discuss lesson ideas and whole-school practices that assist in ensuring that our students continue to model safe, respectful and learning behaviours.
Keep up to date with what is happening
Each week via email you will receive a PBL Newsletter, outlining the focus lesson for the week. Our teachers and students work together throughout the week to model and demonstrate being safe, respectful learners. Have a read with your child to unpack some of the expected behaviours when coming to school. Are these the same at home? What’s similar/different?
Have your say
As a signature practice here at BCSS, we love feedback. Please let us know what you would like to see in our PBL lessons by either completing the link below, or using the QR Code. The QR code is featured in each newsletter, so you can give feedback anytime throughout the year.
From Wednesday 13th March to Friday 22nd March 2024, students in Year 3 and 5 will engage in NAPLAN testing. Below is a timetable outlining the different tests across the testing period. Students sit assessments in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. Questions assess content linked to the Australian Curriculum: English and Mathematics.
NAPLAN is a national point in time, literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit in March each year. NAPLAN has been moved to an earlier time within the year to allow teachers to use the data to inform their teaching and best support our students.
Brisbane Central State School will complete NAPLAN tests online, however Year 3 Writing test is still completed with pencil and paper.
If students are absent at the time of testing, we will arrange for individual students to complete missed tests at another time during the school’s test schedule.
Please note that Parents/Guardians do have the option to decide if their child will engage in the test or not. If you choose to exclude your child from testing, please alert your class teacher, or discuss with Mr Grogan or Mr Dargusch if you wish further clarification around NAPLAN testing.
Prep News
In Prep Blue we have been learning about different ways to sort objects (such as colour, shape or size) and have been enjoying a range of fine-motor activities that are strengthening the muscles in our hands to help us with our cutting and writing!
We are also practising our name writing, remembering to put one capital letter at the start of our name. It’s been an action-packed first 4 weeks of school!
PBL Newsletter
Cross Country Yr 1 - 6
On 21st March, 2023, we will be holding the Years 1 to 6 Cross Country as part of our Physical Education program.
Permission form has been sent out via Schoolzine, this activity is compulsory for all students’ years 1 - 6, please complete the consent form, invoices will be sent out to the fee paying parent in coming weeks please pay no later than 19th March.
Library News
Queensland School Library Week
Can you draw? Can you write a story? Do like to win prizes?
Queensland School Library Week 2024 is having a competition.
Winners will each receive a $50 book voucher and their school will receive a $100 book voucher.
Prep - Year 2: What is your favourite story?
Draw or paint a picture to illustrate this. Your picture should be on an A4 sheet. Add a caption if you like.
Year 3 - Year 6: The theme is Our Heart, Our Stories. There are two categories.
- Produce an artwork to reflect the theme Our Heart, Our Stories.
- Write a short story to reflect the theme Our Heart, Our Stories. There is a word limit of 150 - 300 words.
Authority forms to publish will be given to the students who are the school nominated winners for each category. QLA decides the book voucher winners.
Competition closes 25th February.