Week 7 Updates
Assembly Updates
Due to assembly being cancelled, here are a few updates and awards from the past fortnight.
Upcoming Events
Cross Country permission forms are now due.
Please complete the form below:
Our Harmony Day celebration will be on Friday 22nd March. This year we are inviting parents and students to attend our morning assembly, in addition to a tea tasting session. Students have the option to wear cultural dress that represents their heritage/cultural identity. They will also be creating their own tea cup using their first language. Please see below for all the details.
Years 4-6 Gala Sports Days for Term 2 are quickly approaching.
Students will begin training next week. They have all selected their sports.
Please complete the permission form below.
Our Year 3 and 5 students will participate in NAPLAN next week and continue into Week 9.
We wish them all the best.
Parents of students participating in the testing, a timetable is provided below:
Library Week Awards
Well Done to our Library Week participants.
We have three students who are through to the next round:
Year 3-6 Short Story: Sierra Loong
Year 3-6 Artwork: Zoe Minano
Year P-2 Artwork: William Skillender