Term 1, Week 8 2024
From the Principal
2024 Improvement Plan
2024 P&C AGM
Staffing Changes for Term 2
From the Deputy - Nick Dargusch
Head of Curriculum - Maureen Kelly
Year 3 - Senior Constable Kelly
5/6 Gold & Prep Red Buddies
Family Movie Night
Book Club Issue 2
Harmony Day
After School Activities
School Broadband Initiative
From the Principal
Hello and welcome to our newsletter. I would like to start today by acknowledge the amazing parent volunteers that make such a positive contribution to our school. From the uniform shop, and sushi orders to the running club and everything in between our school is fortunate to so many parents who want to help and contribute to the school experience of our students.
Our diversity is our greatest strength, and our willingness to support one another across our school community makes a positive difference every day.
Micheal Grogan, Principal
2024 Improvement Plan
2024 P&C AGM
Earlier this week we held our 2024 P&C AGM. It was great to see some new members and returning members come along ready to support our school through the P&C. This is a big year for our P&C as we prepare for our schools 150th anniversary in 2025.
I would like to thank and acknowledge the following people as our 2024 P&C Executive and Office Bearers.
President – Deborah Beasley
Vice President – Stacey Anderson
Treasurer – Tim Smith
Secretary - Vacant
Assistant Secretary - Ko Yuk Tong
Vice President Events - Crystal Lane
Vice President Operations - Jargalmaa Bavuujav
The P&C is also looking for people to take on the following roles:
Assistant Treasurer
Vice President Community and Sponsorship
Anyone interested can add their name here - https://volunteersignup.org/QFTX7 or they can call me direct, Deborah Beasley 0458 353 389.
A Brief role description for each position is below:
The Secretary collates the agenda papers for each meeting, (including subcommittee reports) and assists the President in preparing an agenda for each meeting.
They prepare and present minutes of the Association’s meetings, record and deal with correspondence in/out as directed and generally organise, record and maintain information pertaining to the activities of the Association.
Assistant Treasurer
The assistant Treasurer will assist our Treasurer, Tim with the following as outlined in the P&C role description.
The Treasurer has the overall responsibility for the financial management of the P&C Association, including all subcommittee accounts. In their role they must comply with the Accounting Manual for P&C Associations in all respects. They prepare an annual budget and Annual Operational Plan for the P&C in consultation with the Association’s Executive Committee. It is the Treasurer’s responsibility to keep accurate accounts of receipts and expenditure.
One of the key aspects of the role of Treasurer is managing the finances well. It is not only an important part of keeping the functions and P&C operations running, GOOD financial management is critical to ensure transparent use of funds, and monitoring how funds are used to benefit all students in the school.
Vice President – Community and Sponsorship
The position plays a key role in supporting the P&C in developing and enhancing links within and beyond the local Spring Hill community. Sponsorship is an identified way of supporting the P&C through the sourcing of appropriate sponsors to support P&C events and to provide a regular source of passive income for the P&C.
I look forward to working with our new executive committee and our P&C and broader school community this year as we continue to collaborate to ensure the students of BCSS get the best possible education and schooling experience available.
Staffing Changes for Term 2
Along with the changes to our admin team mentioned in the previous newsletter, below is a summary of our staffing changes as we head into Term 2.
- Ms Lyons and Mrs Coleborn will be going on Parental leave.
- Mrs Coleborn will be replaced by Lanie Heron. Lanie is an experienced teacher, currently at Milton SS.
- Madame Sewell-Kasim is taking Long Service Leave and Mr Easterbrook has made the decision to not continue on at BCSS at the end of term. They will be replaced by Justine Martin. Justine is a French national who has previously worked overseas and in South Australia.
- Ruth Morris (TA) has extended her leave and at this stage, our current arrangements will be in place with Angela Nair Skinner replacing her.
From the Deputy - Nick Dargusch
This coming Friday, BCSS will be acknowledging and celebrating Harmony Day. This is a special day in our year where we take the time to recognise how diverse our community actually is. Our PBL lesson will target being a respectful learner, and recognising that many of us come to school with little or no English. We celebrate all cultures and customs, that’s what makes us special!
Through the text, “Luli and the Language of Tea” students are encouraged to ‘have a cup of tea’ (decaffeinated, fruit tea) on Friday morning 22nd March from 8:30 – 8:55am. Students will design their own tea cup, to show-off their cultural background. Over a cup of tea, they connect! We encourage all parents to come in and do the same.
Students are encouraged to wear something that represents their cultural heritage/background. Whatever you feel represents your cultural identity, we would love you to share with your class and school.
Congratulations to our Year 3 and 5 students who began and completed (year 3 only) their NAPLAN tests. Over a gruelling three days, the students showed great tenacity, with many students expressing they enjoyed the testing period. We look forward to receiving and analysing the results for future use.
Today we trialled our first training session for the upcoming Gala Sports Days in Term 2. It was great to see some many enthusiastic and excited students participating on the oval, courts and shed, utilising every available space we have.
If you haven’t already, please ensure that you have signed the online permission form to ensure your child’s participation at these events. They are very well received by the students and is a great opportunity for them to develop skills, not only physically but socially as well.
This coming week we have our Cross Country for years 1-6. If you haven’t already, please ensure that you have sent through permission for this event.
Permission form: https://brisbanecss.schoolzineplus.com/form/42
A timetable is provided below if you wish to attend.
Head of Curriculum - Maureen Kelly
Student learning & current curriculum
In the classrooms at this time, students have been engaging in ‘end of unit’ assessment for some learning areas. Behind the scenes, teachers have been collaborating in year level teams to develop a deep understanding of the aspects of the curriculum that the students are learning, the high impact teaching practices that will be best for the students and how students are being assessed.
In particular, teachers have been meeting to engage in moderation processes. Moderation is a process for reaching agreement amongst teachers about levels of achievement in student work. Teachers use a variety of assessment techniques to collect evidence upon which to make judgements about attainment and progress, with reference to the Australian Curriculum.
Our P&C have Library Bags for sale at the school uniform shop.
Uniform Shop is OPEN: Thursday: 8.45 am to 9.15 am and Friday: 8.15 am to 8.45 am
You can pay by cash or card. Order on line with Flexischools.
Library bag Price: $10.00
The new library bags are very waterproof, easy to open, have a label for your child’s name and class and a bright yellow BCSS logo.
Please buy one and help protect our library books.
Year 3 - Senior Constable Kelly
On Wednesday the 13th of March, Year 3 had a visit from Senior Constable Kelly - Fortitude Valley Police Station. She spoke with us about the role of a police officer, how rules are made, why they are enforced and the consequences of not following rules in the community.
5/6 Gold & Prep Red Buddies
Every second Friday the students of 5/6 Gold have the privilege to go and hang out the students in Prep Red. So far this year the 5/6 students have taught the preps how to play some Mathematics and English games. As well as how to log onto reading eggs.
Last week the students had the chance to collaborate on a pair of matching socks that are going to be hung up in the classroom for the PBL Crazy Sock celebration day. The students talked about the patterns, colours and shapes that they wanted to put on their socks.
The 5/6 students are currently in the process of thinking up some egg-citing end of term activities for themselves and the preps to participate in next week. They regularly ask when they will get to go and see their prep buddies again and are enjoying to getting to know that younger students of BCSS.
Family Movie Night
Book Club Issue 2
Visit scholastic.com.au/LOOP or download the LOOP app.
Please order and pay by credit card and your order will be electronically linked to the rest of your school’s order.
Scholastic bulk delivers the books to school after their issue closing date.
Sometimes your child’s book will not arrive in the bulk delivery because it is on back order. It will arrive. Books are delivered before the school holidays start.
When the books arrive at school, they will be handed to your child to take home.
Harmony Day
After School Activities
School Broadband Initiative
The Australian Government has established the School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI) to provide free home internet for up to 30,000 unconnected families with school aged students until the end of December, 2025.
Please follow this link to learn more about terms and conditions and elibility criteria.