Term 3, Week 4
From the Principal - Micheal Grogan
Deputy Principal - Nikolas Taufatofua
School Photo Day: 13/08/2024
ICAS Test Dates 2024
Congratulations, Branner & Melissa!
P&C Announcement
Prep Excursion to Bunyaville Environment Education Centre
Enrol Now for 2025
Crazy Coco Morning
Juicy Tubes
BCSS Mini Olympics
Time Out
From the Principal - Micheal Grogan
Welcome to week 4 of Term 3. We have had a celebration of culture across our school the past two weeks. The opportunity to hosts our friends from Taiwan was again a great chance for students to connect or reconnect with another culture and language. As a school we celebrate our diversity and these exchanges support those efforts immensely. I’d like to acknowledge the work of Mrs Riek who coordinates these visits and also thank the student buddies and their teachers for being such gracious hosts this past fortnight.
I would also like to thank all of our students, staff and community or your engagement and participation in our NAIDOC celebrations last week. As a school we were fortunate to host Rhan Hooper, Songwoman Maroochy Barambah and Aunty Sharron Mirii Bell to help us celebrate the oldest continuous culture on earth.
For those interested in seeing more of the work of Rhan and Aunty Sharon, I would encourage you to look for them on their social media channels. Aunty Sharon also can be found at the following website: https://indigenousinsights.com.au/.
This past two weeks also saw our student athletes compete at the National Schools Swimming Championships with both Branner and Melissa winning medals and achieving personal best times in individual events.
At the same time, we had our largest ever Athletics team competing at the City District Athletics Trials at Geebung. While we didn’t not have any winners across the two days, we had students reaching finals and importantly competing with great spirit and sportsmanship.
Deputy Principal - Nikolas Taufatofua
Dear Families,
Thank you for such a great start at Brisbane Central SS. I have been making my way around most of the school to meet students and families. Please continue to come up and introduce yourselves if you see me around the school.
Last week I was able to get out to watch some of our students compete at City Districts Athletics. Whilst we weren’t on the podium this time, it was great to see our students represent Brisbane Central in many of the events. Thank you to Mr Lane for his work in coaching our students and planning for the event.
This week we sent our prep students on an excursion to Bunyaville Environmental Education Centre. Students participated in the Going Bush Program and explored the natural outdoor forest setting to support learning in Humanities and Social Science. Students learnt about the features of the forest setting and how they may act protect these important places.
Please feel free to continue to contact me at nrtau0@eq.edu.au with any questions, ideas, or concerns you may have.
School Photo Day: 13/08/2024
Dear Parents,
School photography day is coming up soon. Group and portrait photographs can be purchased by following the link below or by returning the order envelope with your payment to our photographer on school photo day.
Two easy ways to purchase:
- Visa, MasterCard or PayPal
- Cash – complete the envelope supplied and return it to our photographer on photo day
Or visit: www.advancedlife.com.au
And enter online order code: V5E EHQ LM2
School photography information:
- Online orders - do not require an envelope returned to your school
- Sibling Photos - Don’t forget to pre-order your sibling photos online up to 24 hours before photo day. We provide your school with a list of sibling orders right up to the day of photography, so no one misses out. If you miss the online order deadline, you can submit a completed sibling order envelope first thing in the morning of the day of photography, so your school is aware you want the photo taken and can bring your children together in time for it. Sibling photographs only apply to children enrolled at your school. Please note not all schools offer sibling photos
- Late fees - a late fee will be applied to each package purchased after photo day due to the additional cost of producing these packages separately
- Package delivery - School photographs will be returned approximately 6 weeks after the day of photography. Please note this delivery timeframe is dependent on proofing and additional photography days at your school.
- Previous Years’ photos - Past years’ photographs including sports, co-curricular and representative groups are also available to order under the “previous years or group photo” tabs at your school’s advancedorder site when you click on the “Order School Photos Here” button above. You can also order past packages, portrait images and gifts from your child’s unique, individual and secure advancedyou image archive site using the unique 9 digit image code found on packages you have ordered in the past
BOOK WEEK - 19th August to 23rd August
It’s time to start thinking about pulling a rabbit out of hat with your Book Parade costume.
The theme for 2024 Book Week is:
Reading is Magic
So, what makes reading magic and who is your favourite book character?
All students are making a Book Mark decorated with their favourite book characters and their creative ideas about how Reading is Magic. Book marks will be displayed in the library. From each year level there will be three prizes awarded for creating a Book Mark that is ‘Magical’.
The staff, student volunteers and maybe OWLIE will be reading a book to the students during 1st & 2nd break. The books being read to your child will be from the 2024 CBCA Book of the Year Awards Shortlist -Younger Readers, Early Childhood, Picture Book of the Year, Eve Pownall Award and New Illustrator.
Tuesday 20th August on the oval.
Starts at 9.15 a.m.
Parents, carers, family and friends please come and be part of the fun and magic.
Tuesday 20th August in the Library Media Room.
Starts after the Book Parade. 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. See students ‘Magical Masterpieces’.
BOOK SALE: Cash or card accepted.
We would love you to come a little earlier as our P&C with the support of your student(s) are selling 2nd Hand Adult and Children’s pre-loved books and DVDs outside the library. Every book will be sold for @$2 gold coin.
Also, for sale: BCSS LIBRARY BAG @$10 and BCSS COOK BOOK. @$5. We have complimentary recycled paper bags/boxes for you to carry the books you purchase.
Monday 19th August 8.30 a.m. to 8.55 a.m. and Tuesday 20th August 8.30 a.m. to 8.55 am.
After Book Parade: 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.
Please keep the book donations coming because the children are already putting in their requests for the purchase of new additional books for their library collection.
We have a Magical Highway Scene in the library, however, it needs
All students are welcome to bring something small to glue on the display – little stickers/pictures of their favourite book character, sequins, jewels, beads, paper origami, feathers or a little piece of their cultural fabric, paper or ribbon.
If you need any further information about our Book Week and the Book Parade there will be posters around the school, in the display cases at the front of the school and in the school’s media apps. See you at the Book Parade and the Parent/Carer/ Community Morning Tea.
ICAS Test Dates 2024
Th following is the dates that the ICAS tests will be held at BCSS. This may be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances. The test sessions will be held in the morning session and students go to class first and will be directed by their teacher to go to the testing room. Please feel free to contact Maureen Kelly, mkell83@eq.edu.au, for more information.
Test | Year levels | BCSS |
Writing | Years 3-6 | Tuesday 6 Aug |
English | Years 2-6 | Tuesday 13 Aug |
Science | Years 2-6 | Thursday 22 Aug |
Mathematics | Years 2-6 | Wednesday 28 Aug |
Congratulations, Branner & Melissa!
Brisbane Central State School are extremely proud to announce the achievements of Melissa Gao and Branner Tiyapanjanit at the Schools National Swimming Competition held at the Gold Coast.
Melissa raced both the 50m Breaststroke and the 4x50 Medley Relay, receiving a bronze medal for her hard work in the Medley. Congratulations, Melissa!
Branner swam in the 200m Individual Medley, 4x50 Freestyle Relay and the 100m Freestyle, bringing home a bronze medal for his hard work in the Freestyle Relay, and a silver medal for the 200m Individual Medley. Congratulations, Branner!
We are tremendously proud of Branner and Melissa and their medals are a testament to their commitment and diligence. We will always be here to cheer you on!
P&C Announcement
At BCSS we conducted a litter audit in each eating area of our school. During this process we were able to identify which rubbish items were most commonly wasted. In our school, chip packets, seaweed packets and cling wrap were among the most wasted items. We decided to create an artwork with rubbish collected from students to educate our school community on the effects of litter. We want to create awareness amongst students of what they are throwing in the bin. At our Ambassador Training Day we learned that Brisbane's landfill spaces are filling up quickly and although people don't seem to be worried now, as Brisbane City residents, we feel it is our duty to educate our community. Where will all your rubbish go when the land fill sights are full?
We also plan to use this artwork as inspiration and a legacy for next year's Arts Showcase. It is our hope that teachers and students will create artworks that promote waste production and sustainability.
We will be selling these cookbooks at our Book Week parade in Week 7!
Prep Excursion to Bunyaville Environment Education Centre
On Wednesday, the Prep students visited ‘the bush’ for the day at Bunyaville Environmental Education Centre. This excursion linked to our current HASS learning about special places and ways to care for these special places. The students went for a forest walk and used their senses to explore this beautiful natural environment. A huge thank you to the many parent/grandparent volunteers, and our amazing teacher aides, who helped us to have an awesome day.
Brian, Melissa and Sophie
Prep Team
Congratulations to the three Brisbane Central debating teams that competed in their first debate at Gregory Terrace last Thursday night. The topic in focus was ‘Should tuckshops be banned’ with BCSS teams arguing that they should not be banned.
Those students competing auditioned for their position and a significant investment of time was required to research, communicate with team members and formulate arguments and rebuttals in preparation for their debate. Teachers were incredibly impressed by the commitment, dedication and teamwork demonstrated by all team members in the lead up to Thursday.
A special shoutout goes to Ms McVean and Mrs Lim’s Year 5 team who won their debate despite this being the first in which they competed!
Good luck to all teams in preparation for the next debate - Keep up the great work!
Thank you to the Brisbane Central students for their wonderful contribution to another successful CGEN! I am so proud of our student cast and crew who worked hard to bring this special 20-year celebration to life. Across the week we witnessed new friendships blossom, students from near and far come together and a team of passionate teachers, supervisors and crew work together to stage the 20th annual CGEN.
Save the date – CGEN 2025 (Week 1, Term 3)
The key performance dates for CGEN 2025 are confirmed. CGEN Show Week will be in Week 1, Term 3 (14 – 19 July), show dates will be Thursday 17, Friday 18 and Saturday 19 July 2025.
I really do mean it when I say that this year was one of the best CGEN choirs we have had over the 20 shows. Everyone did an amazing job. Congratulations!
Enrol Now for 2025
Crazy Coco Morning
Juicy Tubes
BCSS Mini Olympics
Time Out
Keeping your child and other kids healthy!