Term 4, Week 8
From the Principal - Micheal Grogan
Deputy Principal - Nik Taufatofua
P&C Breakfast
Expressions of Interest - Global Passport: Explore the world in 5 days
2025 Booklists
Fun Run!
Children's Tumour Foundation
Consent Management / QParents
Book Week
Uniform Shop Hours
King St. Christmas Markets
Code Camp
From the Principal - Micheal Grogan
As we reach the end of 2024, I find myself reflecting on the incredible achievements of our school community. This year has been filled with outstanding learning opportunities and remarkable outcomes for our students. These successes are the result of the unwavering dedication of our teachers, staff, parents, volunteers, and, of course, our hardworking students.
Each day, I am struck by the smiling faces and positive attitudes of our students. They arrive at school ready to learn, grow, and enjoy meaningful moments with their friends. These well-rounded, happy children are a testament to the collaborative efforts of our school community. This positive culture doesn’t happen by chance—it thrives because of the strong partnerships we foster between home and school.
I want to express my deepest gratitude to the amazing parents who contribute to our school in so many ways, from the P&C executives and members to the many volunteers who lend their time in every day. It’s no wonder our students flourish. Education is about nurturing "the whole child"—supporting their passions and engaging them in learning that inspires.
This coming week’s Volunteers’ Thank You Breakfast is a wonderful way to celebrate our collective efforts and end the year on a high note. It’s always heart warming to come together as a school community and reflect on another successful year.
This coming week we will also be having one of my favourite days of the year. The Colour has become a highlight of our annual calendar. Once again students and families will have the opportunity to dunk a teacher. I found out today, one of our future prep students will be coming along to dunk myself also.
These events unite us and strengthen the positive connections we work hard to foster every day. If you haven’t had the chance yet, I encourage you to jump onto Flexischools to book your turn to dunk one of the 14 staff members who have volunteered, or simply come along on the day to join in the fun!
At this time of year, we are busy forming class lists and finalising staffing arrangement for the 2025 school year. If you are not returning to BCSS in 2025, we ask you let the office know as soon as possible.
Deputy Principal - Nik Taufatofua
Dear Parents and Families,
It has been another busy and exciting week here at Brisbane Central State School, and I wanted to take a moment to highlight some of the wonderful events that have taken place recently.
Firstly, we were truly impressed by the speeches given today by our school captain candidates for 2025. The quality and passion displayed by each candidate was outstanding, and the benchmark set for leadership in our school is extremely assuring. We are incredibly proud of the group of Year 5 students and it is exciting to see such dedicated and inspiring individuals emerging as potential leaders. Regardless of the outcome, we are confident that they will continue to contribute positively to our school community in Year 6.
We were thrilled to welcome our 2025 prep students for their second transition day. It was wonderful to see so many enthusiastic and eager young learners joining us, and it certainly filled us with anticipation for the start of the new school year. A heartfelt thank you to all of our prep teachers for their dedication and support in hosting the event and ensuring that the day ran smoothly. We look forward to seeing these students thrive in the year ahead.
Thank you, as always, for your ongoing support. We are proud of all our students and the community we continue to build together.
Kind Regards,
P&C Breakfast
Expressions of Interest - Global Passport: Explore the world in 5 days
The Department of Education International (DEi) in partnership with Griffith University is pleased to offer a 5-day online program during the January school holidays, designed to build global competence and bring the world to Queensland students from the comfort of their home.
Specifically aimed at Years 4 to 6 students in Queensland, this immersive opportunity will provide students with the chance to virtually 'travel' to different countries. Each day, students will experience different cultures through interactive activities, basic language learning, and the exploration of diverse topics, including food, art, daily life, cultural traditions and landmarks.
Program details
Dates: 13-17 January 2025
Years: 4 - 6
Delivery mode: Online via Microsoft Teams
Time: Sessions run for a duration of 1.5 hours daily over 5 consecutive days*
Application closing date: 6 December 2024
Please see the Expression of Interest Form for further information, including eligibility and registration requirements.
Expression of Interest Forms must be submitted to Global Engagement via global.engagement@qed.qld.gov.au
2025 Booklists
Booklists for 2025 are now available.
Parents can choose to source the supplies themselves, or can order via Jaybel.
Placing Orders
- Ordering is fast, secure and convenient. Simply visit jaybel.com.au/booklists
- Enter your school code and password then follow the easy ordering steps.
- Your School Code: BTSBC001 & Password: BC2025
- If you prefer not to order online, please call our booklist team on 07 3423 5888. They will assist you with placing your order and taking payment over the phone.
Brisbane Central SS booklists are registered with this company, and supplies can be delivered to your home. Order early to ensure delivery by the start of the school year.
Fun Run!
Children's Tumour Foundation
Consent Management / QParents
Queensland State Schools are moving towards online permissions managed through the QParents app. We believe that moving to digital consent for excursions, SRS and Third Party Consent managed through QParents would be beneficial to all. It would remove the need for paper-based permission forms to be printed, distributed, signed and returned.
Many in our community already have a QParent accounts but for those who do not, invitations have previously been sent out to your registered email addresses. If you require a new invitation please contact the office. By signing up you will not only have access to digital permission forms but also attendance records, finance (view only), positive behaviour and report cards.
We understand that everyone is busy, and we hope that by streamlining our services online where we can, we will better service our community.
During the past week all the children have been visiting the BCSS Book Fair during their weekly library lesson. ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ bookshop was the book fair supplier for this year’s book fair. Many of the students commented about the quality and the wide range of the books. Every student filled in their Wish List with glee and were recommending books to each other and describing the books to each other.
Thank you to all the parents/carers, staff and students who helped with the Book Fair. Your assistance was very much appreciated as our children love reading and are very excited about books.
All the students have been able to borrow two books this week, however, next week the students will only return books and the borrowing of books is closed for the year. The students can return their books during their regular library lesson or drop them off into the book return shoot any school morning from 8.30 am to 8.55 am or any 1st or 2nd lunch break.
We would all like to thank our two library captains Addie and Laysa and their library friends Marlon, Jenna and Marilyn for volunteering to spend some of their lunch times over several weeks to collate the 520 students’ responses of what expectations they have for their behaviour in the library – Safety, Learner and Responsible. These students then created a student designed original artwork on canvass to represent these expectations. It is now displayed proudly in the library Media Room for all students to view, read and follow.
You have made our library a more vibrant, busy and happy space.