Term 4 Week 6
Mr Micheal Grogan
Mr Nick Dargusch / Deputy Principal
Assembly Certificates
Mrs Maureen Kelly / HOC
Library News
P&C Newsletter
Year 6’s ice cream experiment
Yr.5 & Yr.6 excursion
PBL - Positive Behaviour Learning
Instrumental EOI
Booklist 2024
FVSSC Concert
Centenary Aquatic Centre
Cricket Holiday Program
Community Christmas Carols
Mr Micheal Grogan
This week we have lots to celebrate here at BCSS. We have received the report from our school review and attached to today’s newsletter you will find the executive summary. There are many things to celebrate in our review and the key affirmations and recommendations are listed below. It is great to be part of such a dedicated and capable team of educators here at BCSS. The work of all our staff in ensuring that our students are at the centre of all decision making is something we, as a school community can all be proud of.
There is clear alignment with our school’s vision created in 2019 and the review findings. The ability of our teaching team to articulate what we do, how we do it and why we do it allowed the review team to build a clear picture of our school and our common purpose.
I’d like to thank and acknowledge everyone who participated in the more than 120 interviews the review team conducted over the three days of the review. They were able to gain a really clear picture of where we are and what the next steps in our improvement journey should be. We now begin the process of working through the full list of recommendations and developing our four-year strategic plan. This will be finalised in the new year. It is already shaping up to be an exciting four years here at BCSS.
Key Affirmations
- Staff are focused on collaboration in the best interests of their students, with an emphasis on implementing effective practice in all aspects of teaching and learning.
- Leaders express pride in the development of strong Professional Learning Teams (PLT) whose members support one another during times of change.
- Leaders and staff share the belief that every student should feel a sense of belonging and be able to access and participate in high-quality education.
- Leaders describe staff as passionate about imparting a love of learning through implementing a curriculum that develops 21st century lifelong learners.
Key Improvement Strategies
- Domain 8: Effective pedagogical practices
Embed agreed pedagogical practices through ongoing observation and feedback processes by leaders to ensure integrity and consistency of implementation.
- Domain 6: Systematic curriculum delivery
Refine processes for developing marking guides to ensure consistent understanding of what constitutes ‘A’ and ‘B’ standard student achievement.
- Domain 7: Differentiated teaching and learning
Build the capability of the teaching team to differentiate for the range of learners to ensure all students are appropriately engaged, challenged and extended.
- Domain 9: School-community partnerships
Build the cultural competency of all staff to improve understanding of students’ cultural backgrounds and improve links between home and school.
Active School Travel
Our school re-committed to the Active School Travel (AST) program in 2022 and during that time we have seen a steady and sustained increase in the number of families travelling actively to and from school. This work, led by Miss Pafflin and supported by Ms Coleborn and Ms Wylie this year has seen our school recognised at the Brisbane City Council Active School Travel awards. Last night we were presented with the small school award for the the highest percentage of students travelling actively to school. Attached to this newsletter you will also find our 2023 AST Poster which includes the highlights of the program for this year.
I would like to thank and congratulate Miss Pafflin and the AST team for their work in support behavioural change in the way we travel to and from school each day. Thanks Miss Pafflin, Ms Coleborn and Ms Wylie!
Today we welcomed in our Prep cohort for 2024 for the first of two transition days. These days are invaluable in allowing us to set up our students for success when they begin their schooling journey next year. We can’t wait to welcome on our new Prep students in the new year.
If you are yet to enrol your child for Prep or any other grade for 2024, we would ask that you contact the office and begin the process as soon as possible.
If you are on the move in 2024, we also ask you contact the office and let us know as soon as possible. Our student numbers impact on the number and type of classes we set up and the number of staff we employ to support our students and community in the new year.
Sponsorship Opportunities at BCSS
Our P&C has been working on a sponsorship program to support our school to broaden the opportunities for our students and enhance the facilities we have available for both the school and community. The P&C’s 2024 Sponsorship Prospectus can be found on our website and attached to this newsletter.
If you or your business is interested in participating in our 2024 Sponsorship Program, we invite you to submit an Expression of Interest. Details of the opportunities available are in the Sponsorship Prospectus. We look forward to hearing from you soon and working together for the mutual benefit of both your business or organisation and our school community.
Mr Nick Dargusch / Deputy Principal
It was a wild and wet lunchtime last Friday as 14 students had the opportunity to soak myself and Mr Grogan as a reward for raising over $150 for the Fun Run. I believe it was a worthy prize as many of the students continue to express their pleasure in getting the Principal with a water soaker. Remember to keep raising those funds to help support our Student Council.
You will also have the opportunity to dunk your child’s class teacher for a small donation. Stay tuned for more information regarding the Fun Run over the next few weeks
Student Name | Class |
Peyton | Prep Blue |
Ethan Joy | 5 Red |
Sawyer | 4/5 Gold |
Amelie | 5/6 Gold |
Peter Lane | 5/6 Gold |
Benji Lane | 2 Blue |
Holly 0 | 3 Red |
Luca L | 4 blue |
Aila K | Prep Green |
Rakshan N | 1 Blue |
Jonathan + Josh A | 2 Green |
Kaeden L | 4 green |
Sawyer D | 2 Red |
Prep Transitions
Today we welcomed our 2024 Prep cohort to the ‘Big School’ to engage in their first transition to school. It was wonderful to see the many parents and children starting their school journey. Thank You to all our Prep Teachers for preparing and organising the engaging activities.
Sustainability Team
Congratulations to Ms McVean, Emma and Safeena who just yesterday attended The Wave, a celebration and recognition of the work that the Eco Marine teams have completed over the past year.
Our BCSS team were awarded with recognition in working towards protecting our waterways and the environment. They even featured in the yearly magazine. A huge thanks to the girls and Ms McVean and Ms Pafflin who have continuously supported the drive for a more sustainable school environment.
2024 Students leaders Nominations
The nominations are in!
Next Friday, 17th November at 9:15am in the school hall, the Year 5 applicants for School and House Captains will present their speeches.
This event will be streamed via Teams for those of the parents that cannot make the event.
Assembly Certificates
Mrs Maureen Kelly / HOC
Professional capability building
At Brisbane Central, we are focused on building our professional capability as a staff, working in the best interest of our students with an emphasis on implementing best practice in all aspect of teaching and learning.
We use coaching and mentoring practices as teachers to deepen our understanding and shift our practices so that our students are actively engaged, challenged and extended and improving in their learning. The coaching and mentoring program is a significant aspect of the school’s professional learning program for teaching staff. Contemporary evidence-based research underpins this collegial approach to teacher learning.
Teachers engage in regular coaching sessions with Jo Gawne, Head of Inclsuion, building our capability as a school team to differentiate for the range of learners to ensure all students are appropriately engaged, challenged and extended. We embed agreed pedagogical practices through ongoing observation and feedback processes to ensure integrity and consistency of implementation of our school signature practices for teaching and learning, especially focused on the BCSS Student Centred Model of Feedback. Both instructional coaching and Learning Walks are leveraged for implementing high impact teacher and learning practices with fidelity. Mentoring is key to the development of our early career teachers, with mentoring relationships established between each early career teacher and a more experienced teacher.
Through these strong professional learning relationships, we are reflective of our practice and supportive of each other as we grow and develop as a teaching team. With students at the core of all that we do, we are open and willing to be challenged by different perspectives in an effort to improve student-learning outcomes.
Secondary School Partnerships
Students from All Hallows’ School, Brisbane Grammar School, Brisbane Girls Grammar School, IES College, St James College and St Laurence’s College, all attend our school on a regular basis, acting as learning mentors for our students both in the classroom, at break times and in after school activities. Our students benefit from the support and extra learning opportunities available as part of our Secondary School Partnerships Program.
The St Laurence’s student visits occurred mainly during first break on selected weeks. BCSS students in Years 2-4 self-nominated to have a play time buddy. Our students were always eager to meet up with their St Laurence’s buddies. The St Laurence’s students brought loads of enthusiasm and left, hopefully knowing that they had added a special something to someone else’s day. The All Hallows’ School students have attended after school on Thursdays this year, assisting our students as part of the P.I. Club / Genius Hour program. The All Hallows’ students supported and enriched the students’ inquiry into a subject of interest. Excitement bubbled in the library on Monday and Thursday afternoons with the visits from the Grammar School students. Acting as reading mentors for a selected group of BCSS students each term, the Grammar students teamed up for a special reading time with their reading buddies. IES College students engaged in the Creativity, activity and service (CAS) as part of the IB Diploma program, learning through being responsive to our students and supporting them in their learning in the classroom. St James College students have contributed to our school community in various ways over the year, including much needed help with our new gardens.
We appreciate the support of our Secondary School Partners and the what they add to the learning journeys of our students.
Library News
Last weeks for borrowing and returns
This week, 6th – 10th November, was the last opportunity for the students to borrow books from the school library for this year. During the week, 13th – 17th November, the students will return their books without further borrowing.
Invoicing for non-returns
After 17th November, if an item has not been returned we ask for a library reimbursement fee to be paid by parents to help offset the cost of replacement books and help us keep a good collection in the library. If there are special circumstances around the non-return of library books please contact the class teacher to clarify. If an item has not been returned the school office will issue an invoice to parents for $15.00 per item.
Keeping up-to-date with notifications of over-due library books
Any time during the year if books are not returned by the due date parents are automatically emailed a reminder via the Infiniti library system that we use. The Infiniti generated reminders may go to your junk mail folder so please add the email address to your ‘safe senders list’ so that you can stay informed. no-reply@concordinfiniti.com
Book Fair
Students will visit the Book Fair during their weekly library lesson.
They will be given a wish list (5 choices) to take home to you.
All book orders will be delivered to the school and students will collect their orders from Miss Cidnii in the library.
Every book sold during our Book Fair will earn our school up to 30% in commission.
Online orders will be delivered FREE to the school or The Book Warehouse can deliver to your home for a fee of $8.50 per order.
During your visit to our Book Fair in the library Media Room you will be able to select books and take them with you. You can pay for the books with cash or Eftpos.
There will be Fantastic Books at Fantastic Prices.
Also, there are free book marks.
Sora App to keep your children reading
BCSS has a school subscription to the Sora App, providing the children with access at home and school, to a large collection of audio books and ebooks.
Students use their school network login details to access this site, their MIS ID which consists of a string of letters based on their first and last name and a designated number e.g. sjine28. Many students know their own MIS ID. If you don’t have these details please contact the class teacher. Students can continue to enjoy reading throughout the holidays with this great collection!
Reading Champions
Congratulations to the BCSS students who completed this year’s Premier’s Reading Challenge. The more a child reads the more they learn how to read and the more they learn from reading. About 150 avid BCSS readers met the challenge. Congratulations to all for reaching your reading target. Certificates were given out today on assembly to the participating students.
P&C Newsletter
Year 6’s ice cream experiment
Last week Year 6 Red and 5/6 Gold, and this week (yesterday 8th of November on Wednesday) 6 Blue, experimented with making ice cream. The classes all used these ingredients: sugar, milk, cream, vanilla extract, ice and salt. The materials we used were two plastic bags, a pair of safety gloves, measuring cups, table spoons/wooden spoons and a thermometer. We made this icecream as part of our science unit for this term - in our science unit we are learning about reversible and irreversible states of matter. The states of matter are solids, liquids and gases we are doing this to also give us (the students) an example of seeing matters change. This example was a liquid solidifying into a cold and sweet solid. The video we used for this very fun experiment was this
The year 6’s and 5 gold had a lot of fun doing this experiment, it was delicious and sweet and a very easy activity to do with your kids at home.
Yr.5 & Yr.6 excursion
On Thursday 16th of November, year 5 & year 6 students have an opportunity to see Fortitude Valley State Secondary College’s drama production.
Drama Prodocution "Orbit"
Please find the consent form for your completion.
PBL - Positive Behaviour Learning
Instrumental EOI
Dear Year 3 Parents and Carers,
All students in year 3 in 2023 are invited to apply to participate in this program from 2024.
Detailed information and how to apply can be found using the link below.
Applications are till open!
A hard copy application is available upon request if you would prefer this to the online survey.
Contact: Our band instrumental music teacher Mr Colin McIntyre via email cmcin13@eq.edu.au if you have any questions
Booklist 2024
Booklist are now avialable on the school website under the enrolments tab.
Edsco ordering closes by 8 December, 2023.
With the year fast coming to the end, to allow us to ensure we are able to more accurately compile class lists it is important families inform us any changes to where your children will be going to school in 2024.
If you know you will not be returning to BCSS in 2024 we ask that you email both the classroom teacher and school admin office (admin@brisbanecentralss.eq.edu.au) as soon as possible.